Are you looking for fresh and potent kratom products? The market has grown so that consumers can get confused among the plethora of brands available! One way of ensuring quality is to turn to fair trade kratom.

What is fair trade?

Fair trade practices are according to universal and global standards of cultivation, harvest, manufacturing, and then selling to the general public. You must have heard of fair trade chocolate and coffee. The cocoa and coffee beans grown in different areas are grown by the locals who follow their standards. However, fair trade chocolate and coffee result from specific processes that make the edible item an excellent addition to consumer goods that are fresh, reliable, and impactful!

Where to find fair trade kratom?

Fair trade kratom is a concept that is still not fully implemented as many Mitragyna growing countries have their century-old practices that have resulted in the production of effective and stimulating kratom strains. However, the American Kratom Association (AKA) has laid down the standards for cultivation, harvesting, processing, and packaging. You can say that fair trade kratom is AKA-GMP compliant brand that is fair trade incorporated!

Brands and fair trade kratom

We all know that most of the brands in the United States buy raw kratom from farmers in Southeast Asia. If you are looking for authentic kratom powder for sale, any vendor with ties in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and adjacent islands will be a good choice.

The brands have partner farmers who understand the standards of cultivation and harvest, which means that only the healthiest and juiciest sun-ripened leaves are used to make the kratom products available in the market. If a brand is specific in dealing with quality suppliers, the resultant products will follow the standards of AKA, and hence, they can be considered fair trade kratom items.

The AKA does not only lay down the standards but also checks and reviews products from various manufacturers. While fair trade items are not put under any tests, the GMP-compliant brands for kratom have to conduct laboratory tests to ensure safety and purity.

Know the kratom origin

It is essential for consumers to know what type of strain like red bali kratom they consume and if it is from a plantation site or farm, or forest where farmers follow strict cultivation and harvest rules. All consumers must know a few pointers: the leaves must be sun-ripened and irrigated by rainwater or river water. Moreover, the farmers must pick the healthiest leaves when they are mature. Young or old leaves will not have the same effect.

Additionally, the leaves must not be infested or eaten by insects. The alkaloid content of clean and healthy leaves will be beneficial. If the kratom trees are sprayed with pesticides or if fertilizers are used, the natural components will be hampered. 

The most crucial point is that if a farm or forestry is destroyed over time only to sell kratom leaves, it is not good practice and may even destroy the natural forests forever. It is fair trade practice if the farmers are planting new trees or removing only the leaves without destroying the trees.

The fair trade kratom products – Conclusion

Since fair trade kratom is the AKA GMP compliant brand, you can identify them with vacuum-sealed packs and lock-capped jars. You can rest assured that the item is potent and the quality is as good as fair trade because of the set standards followed by the farmers and the manufacturers.

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